

nia recognises that it is not sufficient to not be racist, but that we must be anti-racist. That is, actively challenge racism and racist structures both operationally and strategically. We are determined to embed anti-racist best practice at every level of the organisation. In order to meet our goal to become anti-racist our work must recognise historical legacies of racism as well as its nuances within a national and a globalised context. Our anti-racism work is a strategic priority, and our work is on-going.

nia has an Anti-Racism Working Group made up of staff at all levels in the organisation. The purpose of the group is to ensure nia operates within an anti-racism framework that will truly support its Black, Asian and Minoritised employees and by extension the communities which we work in.

Our quality marks

Rape Crisis national service standards - Rape Crisis professionally approved
Advice Quality Standard
Safe Lives Leading Lights 2019 accreditation
Women's Aid national standard of quality 2018
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